Tag Archives forShutter Priority Mode

Slow Shutter Speed – When should you use one?

Slow Shutter speedIn my last video I talked about using Shutter Priority Mode on your DSLR or Bridge camera and stepping further out of the automatic settings.  In this video I talk about some of the scenarios when you might want to consider using shutter priority mode and slow shutter speeds.


Let me know in the comments below if you have tried playing with slow shutter speeds on your camera – it’s a LOT of fun!

Happy snapping!



P.S. If you would like to learn more about your DSLR I’ve opened up my “DeMystify your DSLR” – Beginners Photography course. Your camera is waiting on you to make the most of it! Click here for more information.

Shutter Priority Mode – What is it?


Shutter Priority Mode-What does it do

Ever wondered why you would use Shutter Priority Mode on your DSLR , advanced compact or bridge camera?  In this video I’ll explain a little about why you would use it and where you’ll find it!  


Do you use Shutter Priority Mode?

Tell me why in the comments below!

Happy Snapping



P.S. If you’d like to learn more about Shutter Priority Mode and all the other Modes that wonderful camera of yours has to offer, check out my Master your DSLR online course, now open for new registrants.